Monday, March 23, 2009

Punk Rock Princess

Right now, Im sitting at a computer (Duh!), listening to some German chick named Nena. I love her music. But it sucks because I have no friggen idea what the heck she is saying.



I have a brilliant, brilliant idea. It was like.. a fricken... epiphany. *Sp?* It was like amazing. You know that Chicken-egg-first thing? Like which came first the chicken or the egg? I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!! The egg came first! Because I think that 2 like.. weird extinct creatures did it, and the thing that came out.. was a chicken!!!!!!!!! Amazing right? Im a genius.

My life is going much better now. I know that is like.. the CHEESIEST thing ever spoken.. or written in a blog.. but its soooo true. The Anti-depressants are helping like.. amazing! But there is the worst thing ever that has ever happened in the history of middle school bad things that has ever happened... although.. i cannot tell you. I wish I could... but its this guy. And I might give him this URL and how will that turn out? BADLY!!! I would die of humiliation and shame. I mean.. he isn't exactly hot.. or.. popular or anything. and he isnt even CLOSE to being my type. NOT EVEN CLOSE! And let me tell everybody out there who know me in real life.. It is NOT Nick. I swear to the Goddess. Its somebody else. And I am dying!!! Seriously. I told my friend, Alaina, and she just laughed. I would too if she liked him. Its hilarious! Blech. Stupid Hormones. Why oh Why does my heart do this to me? -_- I think that stupid blood pumping organ wants to kill me. Kill me with Loooovvvveeeee.Lmfao.

Blessed Be,


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