I was listening to Superchick when i thought.. what the heck? Why not induce in some nice Pagan info? Learn some more. Think. Ya know? Well, I searched pagan in the ever popular "Google," and what popped up? Oh nothing except.. A PAGAN NAME GENERATOR! I looked, i clicked and i was immediatly taken away.
"Repeat this chant", it said. "Then think one happy thought," I thought about how one day i will be reunited with my soul mate. The one who has been searching for me as I have been searching for him. Then it said "Pick your according gender," I picked Female, of course! Then it said "Click to recieve your name." I did. And you wanna know the name i got? Calliope Moonfire Green. I looked at this name and Im like.. Calliope? Cantalope? Calliope. It IS kindof mysterious.. So I am going to stick to it. Call me Calliope Moonfire Green. It makes me seem so punk. Punkish Pagan! Punkish Pagan Panorama! Try saying THAT 5 times fast. ^_^
Hmm.. What has been going on lately? Uhm.. Well I went to the library yesterday. I got two Anime books, and a book labeled "Gothic! Ten dark tales" and another called "Phenomenon, Everything you need to know about the Paranormal." I cant get my nose to remove from the pages of that Phenomenon book. Its so interesting. It talks about Spirit Guides, and Fairies, and best of all.. THE BOOGEYMAN!! You are probably thinking.. the boogey man? Wha- what is this Chick blabbing on about? Well, I shall repeat a paragraph of that every interesting article.. since the book is sitting right next to me..
"I know. It seems like an odd, silly word to include in a book of paranormal terms. But I'm guessing every single on of you resonates to it. If you were sitting in front of me at a lecture I'd ask you to raise your hands if you were told when you were a child that if you didnt behave, or specially if you didn't settle down and go to sleep, the boogeyman would get you. And I would see the whole room full of hands go up. You might not remember who told you that - if it wasn't a parent or perverse sibling, it was an aunt or uncle or grandparent or babysitting or cousin. No one ever explained who this boogeyman was, where he came from, what he looked like, where he might be hiding or what exactly 'get you' entailed. And you didn't ask. You especially didn't ask where he was hiding, because you already knew: He was either under you bed, just waiting for you to dangle your hand or foot over the side of the bed, or he was in that dark hell that by day looked so deceptively like an innocent closet. So there you'd lie, heart pounding, afraid to even close your eyes, let alone fall asleep, because at the inevitable moment when the boogeyman leapt out at you, you wanted to be ready to run. And sure enough, the next morning, the same person who have you that parting shot about the boogeyman would be the first to scold you for being tired and cranky,"
There you have it folks, a paragraph all about the mythical boogeyman. From a book I can't put down. If this book interests you, let me give you some info on it.
* Its called "Phenomenon, Everything you need to know about the paranormal", by Sylvia Brown.
* Sylvia Brown is a Psychic/Medium/Writer. Very Entertaining.
* She is a devote christian. Every OTHER page has the word God written into it about 4 times. Im not saying I dont respect her loyalty, but Im kindof sick of the whole God thing. Holy Spirit. Blah blah blah. I ain't saying I hate all Christians. In fact, practically everybody I know is Christian. My mum, my best friend, my grandmother, my baby sister. Everybody I know and love. All I'm saying is.. If you get sick of the word God or Him or He or The Holy Spirit. This book ain't for you... But it is still Uber good.
Now.. onto other crap. We mad puppy chow the other day.. Its all gone now. Which makes my heart bleed. I love puppy chow. The sweet delicious peanut butter, sugar coated sweet. Its a delicacy to most American children. As is Chocolate, Gold, Silver, and of course (My fave), any candy I can get my black painted fingernails on. I cant help it. I dont have a sweet tooth, the sweet tooth has me. The sweet tooth is my soul, my heart, my brain, my aura. I.. Love.. Candy. I cant friggen deny it. Im a freak. Im a chocoholic, a candyholic, an animeholic, and a meth-holic. Thats right I do crystal meth. HA. Just kidding. Im cleaner that.. a really clean pair of hands. ^_^
Oh goodness. I just got a text from Zachie saying "Baseball game. Behind the high school, spread the word" -_- I aint going. And nothing he says will make me. "Free Candy," says my next text from him.. Oh im so there!