Hey Interneter-ers! ^_^ I went on mah date yesterday. Muy bein! So much fun! We saw Night at the Museum : Battle of the Smithsonian. I couldn't stop laughing. We shared a popcorn, and a constinople or something. Isn't constinople a city in Rome? Oh deary my! I fogot what it is called. But it is when you mix all of the drinks together. So fabbity fab fab! We didn't kiss or anything. :) I looked like a slut enough. What, in my uber short skirt. Do I want to increase that by being caught making out with a guy i started dating like... a few days ago. He is soooo sweet thought. It is ridiculous how adorable he is. I WOULD kiss him. But like I said.. slut-ocity! My slut meter is probably at... like 2! But.. ya know what? I dont even give a crap. I should've kissed him! I regret not doing it. ^_^ But oh well, I have learned mah lesson for next time. If I could I would invite him over, but I am going to the beach with Kari. Brown's Beach, i believe. I really want a 2-peice swimsuit but I have an ugly one peice. Oh well, It doesn't matter to me anymore. I can't have one bad thought in my romantic little mind. My zodiac sign is a Taurus. which means i am stubborn, (so true), and when i fall in love, I fall hard. I think i would say that yes, i have fallen harder than I ever have before. What can I say? Im in love with that sweet little 6th grader.
Ugh! The pollen is so bad now! My sinus's are KILLIN' me. I am serious. It is not even frackin funny. I have an awful headache and my nose hurts so badly. But oh well, I will live. ^_^
Oh, and my evil minion? That would be my twin sister. Well.. I think we are twins. She is 6 years younger that moi, but she looks JUST LIKE ME WHEN I WAS 7! It is rodonkulous! She is sooo annoying. Trying to be like me. But she comes in handy when I need an evil little girl to do my bidding. MwahahahahahahaHA! >:0
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